Revolution Pro is a Back-Office upgrade consisting of a variety of tools that are intended to help Consultants communicate with and manage their teams.  

The monthly fee for Revolution Pro is $4.95, and monthly payments are processed each month on approximately the same day Revolution Pro was initiated.  For example, if a Consultant subscribes to Revolution Pro on the 15th of the month, subsequent payments will be processed around the 15th each month.  For Consultants with a lifetime rank of Producer or above, Revolution Pro is automatically applied to the Back-Office and the monthly fee is waived.

As the Revolution Pro tools are primarily useful for Consultants with sizeable teams, Paparazzi does not recommend Revolution Pro for Consultants with only a few team members enrolled beneath them.  It is for this reason that Paparazzi provides Revolution Pro free of charge to Consultants at the rank of Producer or above.

Consultants can subscribe to Revolution Pro in the Back-Office by clicking on the icon for any feature that is only available with the Revolution Pro upgrade (Alerts, Pipeline, etc.).  For instance, because the Pipeline feature is exclusive to Revolution Pro, a Consultant can click on the Pipeline icon in the Back-Office and a preview of the Pipeline feature will appear.  The Consultant can then click on “Get Started” to begin the enrollment process.  

To cancel Revolution Pro or edit billing information, Revolution Pro subscribers should contact Paparazzi Support by phone at 855-697-2727.   

DISCLAIMER:  Revolution Pro payments are not guaranteed to be processed on the same day each month.  If a Consultant subscribes to Revolution Pro on the 15th of the month, the payment may be processed several days prior to or after the 15th of subsequent months.  Revolution Pro subscribers should plan accordingly.

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