Welcome to Paparazzi Premiere!

Your account information is synced with your Consultant account, with the exception of your password. 

Follow the steps below to get started:

  1. Log into your Back Office. Click "Get Started" on your device: 


Or on your computer:


2. Download the app! ( Apple | Android ) 

3. Using the email on your Paparazzi Account, request your sign-in information by clicking the " Forgot your password?" link from the sign-in page:

Please note: The password reset email will be sent from with the subject line "Password Reset". If you do not receive a password reset email within 30 minutes, we suspect the reason the reset emails are not going into your inbox is that SPAM filters are blocking them. Please check for the password reset email in your SPAM/JUNK folder.

Tip: This will not reset the password in the back office site. You can either use the same as your back office password or create a new one for the app. The new password must be at least 8 characters, at least one digit (‘0’-‘9’), and at least one uppercase letter (‘A’- ‘Z’).

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