A Consultant may use the Paparazzi promotional graphics created by Paparazzi and shared via the Paparazzi Corporate website, social media sites, and email, as long as the graphics are not altered. A Consultant may also use the “promotional language” posted by Paparazzi on these same sites, so long as the promotional language is unaltered.

We recommend the Consultant only use the current promotional graphics and language. For example, use the January 2023 promotional graphics and verbiage to promote the January 2023 "free items with Starter Kit purchase" offer, rather than reusing 2022's graphics and verbiage. Next year, if the same promotion is offered, the graphics and verbiage for the 2024 promotion should be used, rather than reusing the graphics for 2023. This recommendation applies to all graphics, including the Zi Collection verbiage. 

Consultants may use Paparazzi’s videos of the accessories on the Consultants’ Paparazzi sales sites to sell and advertise Paparazzi Accessories. However, Consultants are not allowed to edit these “stock videos” such as taking excerpts from these videos to make other videos or to use as short clips. Furthermore, Consultants are not allowed to add anything to these “stock videos.”

(Note: The Zi Collection has other specific restrictions that apply to the use of photos and graphics.)

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