7.1.  Bonuses and Commissions.

A Consultant must be active (accumulate and/or purchase a minimum of 50 PV within a commission period) in good standing, and in compliance with the Agreement to qualify for bonuses and commissions. So long as the Consultant complies with the terms of the Agreement, Paparazzi shall pay commissions to qualified Consultants in accordance with the Compensation Plan and their qualifications. If at any time during a month a Consultant account is suspended for compliance or policy issues, their commission check for that month will be held until the Compliance Department determines a resolution to the issue. If it is found that there was no violation, the check will be issued at that time. If the account is terminated as a result of proven violations, the commission will not be paid.

The minimum amount for which Paparazzi will issue a check or direct deposit is $20.00 (after a $2.50 processing fee for printed checks). If a Consultant’s earnings for the month total less than the aforementioned amount, those funds will be placed on their Paparazzi account to be added to the next commission payout cycle. Once the minimum amount has accumulated, the standard payout process will be triggered. In the event that a check must be reissued due to misinformation out of the control of Paparazzi, an additional $2.50 will be charged and taken from the check amount.

7.2 Commission Times

Commissions are only paid in the form of checks or direct deposit, and are paid as a whole payment in relation to the activity within the last previously closed commission period. Commission periods (and qualification periods) begin the first day of every calendar month at 12:00 AM EST, and conclude the evening of the last day of every calendar month at 11:59 PM EST. After a commission period is closed, a monthly audit and commission calculation begins. Final commission calculations will be posted (via the Virtual Back Office) around the 10th of the month, and the checks mailed and deposits made no later than the 20th day of the following month for which the commissions are being processed. Commission checks are only mailed to the mailing address on file, and are issued only in the primary name on file (personal or business).

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