5.2 General Advertising

Paparazzi Consultants shall safeguard and promote the good reputation of Paparazzi and its products. The marketing of Paparazzi products, opportunity, compensation plan, and marketing shall be consistent with the public interest, and must avoid all discourteous, deceptive, misleading, slanderous, unethical or immoral conduct or Practices.

Any personalized promotional material or advertising attempt must be approved by Paparazzi and its legal department to ensure that there are no claims or violations to the Paparazzi trademark, namesake, or other legal issues. Consultants are not permitted at any time to make any income claims in relation to the Paparazzi Opportunity.

All labels, trademarks, logos, names or titles, must include the title “Independent Consultant” prominent enough to easily identify that the Consultant represents their own business and not Paparazzi as a whole or as a corporation.

5.3 Use of Paparazzi Name

Consultants may not use the Paparazzi name or any of its registered trademarks, names, services, or products in any personalized or personally owned businesses, webpage addresses, e-mail address domains, or internet domain registration. Consultants, or anyone, may not use Paparazzi trademarks, designs, or symbols, without its express prior written permission. Consultants may not record Paparazzi sponsored Company events, speeches, conference calls, or any other event or function through any medium without the prior written consent from Paparazzi. 

Consultants may only use the Paparazzi name in casual communication (i.e. social media communication, online forums, blogs, email addresses, etc.) under the following considerations: (1) it is with the intention of building their Paparazzi business, (2) when there are no plural terms used in the title of use of the Paparazzi name, so as to not represent a group of individuals, and (3) there is a specific individual identifier clearly indicating not only the use of it by an Independent Consultant, but which independent Consultant is using the term (such as Consultant Identification Number or name). 

5.4 Paparazzi Brand

At no time may a Consultant re-label or remove the label of any Paparazzi product for retail sale. Such relabeling or repackaging would violate this Agreement and governing laws, which could result in severe criminal penalties. Civil liabilities may also result when the persons using the products suffer any type of injury or their property is damaged as a consequence of the repackaging or relabeling of products. Any media inquiries in relation to Paparazzi must be responded to by Paparazzi’s Communications Department and corporate headquarters, and Consultants should not attempt to respond to any inquiries without express written permission to do so. 

5.5 Use of the Paparazzi Logo 

At no time can any Consultant create or distribute any item or literature that contains the Paparazzi logo and brand that was not created by Paparazzi directly and distributed for that intended purpose. Independent Consultants are free to use the  Paparazzi Independent Consultant” logo, which is available to all Consultants online; as long as they do not alter or distort the logo in any way. Consultants may make any tools, or accessories necessary for them to build their business using the Paparazzi Independent Consultant logo, for personal use or consumption. No Consultant may create and then sell, distribute, or promote, any items with the Independent Consultant logo to other Consultants, members of their teams, or anyone else.

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