Paparazzi Consultants frequently express interest in working with other Consultants as they build their respective Paparazzi businesses.  We have outlined some important points that Consultants should keep in mind when working together:

  • Consultants are discouraged from participating in Consultant-to-Consultant sales or exchanges.
  • Consultant A can sell Consultant B’s Accessories in the event that circumstances render Consultant B temporarily unable to sell the Accessories her/himself.  For example, if Consultant B made plans to sell Paparazzi Accessories at a vendor event but became ill and could no longer attend, Consultant A can sell Consultant B’s Accessories in Consultant B’s stead.  
  • Consultants can throw a home party together, each Consultant selling her own Accessories.  While Paparazzi allows home parties that are similar to mini vendor events (where a Paparazzi Consultant and representatives of other companies join to sell at a home party), two Paparazzi Consultants who team up for a home party should not sell or promote any non-Paparazzi products or services at that party.  See TEMPORARY EVENTS - HOME PARTIES.
  • Two Consultants can jointly own/lease and sell from a brick-and-mortar sales location, but the Consultants must maintain separate billing and shipping addresses.  Consultants who are selling together at a brick-and-mortar location will be equally responsible for any violations of the Policies and Procedures that may be discovered by Paparazzi at that location.  
  • There can be only one Paparazzi booth at a temporary vendor event, but multiple Consultants can agree to share a single booth at the event.  Only Paparazzi Accessories can be sold in the booth.  
  • A Consultant is allowed to conduct her/his live videos with another Paparazzi Consultant. The live can be a split-screen live (the two Consultants are each live from different places), or a dual live (the Consultants are together in the same location). The Consultants do not have to be on the same team, but both must be Paparazzi Consultants.  No other product or service can be sold in the video - only Paparazzi Accessories.  The video can be posted on either one of the Consultants’ Paparazzi sales sites and shared to the other Consultant's Paparazzi sales site.
  • Two Consultants can jointly own a social media page for the purpose of selling and promoting Paparazzi. The Consultants will be equally responsible for any violations of the Policies and Procedures that may be discovered by Paparazzi on that page.
  • Consultants who choose to work together assume any risk that their working relationship may entail.  Should a dispute arise between Consultants who are working together, Paparazzi will not mediate.  
  • A Consultant should not give other Consultants access to her/his Back Office.  The reports in the Back Office are the property of Paparazzi, and therefore the information contained therein is confidential (see Section 5.16).  Additionally, it is a violation of the Policies and Procedures for a Consultant to place an order through another Consultant’s Back Office (see Section 3.2).  Only the Consultant (and the co-applicant on the Consultant’s account, if applicable) should have access to the Consultant’s Back Office.
  • Consultants should take great care to protect their customers’ personal information (i.e. contact information, address, payment information, etc.).  Consultants should not share their customers’ information with anyone, including other Consultants, without their customers' consent.
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